Welcome to High School at Keystone Schools
The high school program at Keystone International School is designed to support students intellectual, physical, emotional, and cultural development. To ensure their success, the program must be adaptable to meet the diverse interests and needs of students as they move from high school to their next destination. The aim of the program is to strengthen students skills through flexible programming and hands-on experiences. This provides opportunities for students to prepare for their transition to the workforce or further education, all within the high school curriculum.
- ENG421A (English)
- MAT421A (Mathematics)
- SCI421A (Science)
- GEO421A (Geography)
- ART401A (Art)
- MUS421A (Music)
- ITC401A (Information Technology)
- HIS421A (History)
- CEO401A (Career)
- PED401A (Wellness)
- French
- ENG3U (English)
- MCR3U (Functions)
- MEL3E (Mathematics for work and everyday life)
- GWL30 (Designing Your Future)
- Physical Education
- BTA3O (Information and Communication Technology: The Digital Environment)
- ASM3M (Media Arts)
- SBI3U (Biology)
- SCH3U (Chemistry)
- CHT3O (History)
- SPH3U (Physics)
- HSP3U (Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology)
- ENG4U (English)
- Physical Education
- Information Technology
- CIA4U (Economics)
- SPH4U (Physics)
- CGW4U (World Issues)
- SCH4U (Chemistry)
- MHF4U (Advanced Functions)
- MCV4U (Calculus & Vectors)
- BOH4M (Business Leadership)
- ASM4M (Media Arts)
- SBI4U (Biology)
- HSB4U (Challenge & Change)